The CCB had already revealed that the official opening of the new contemporary art museum would be on October 28th, having announced yesterday that there will be three days of "a vast special program with free entry", between the 27th and 29th.
"The museum opens its doors at 9:30 pm on the 27th with the inauguration of two exhibitions, in a night that includes a musical performance by João Pimenta Gomes (modular synthesizer) with the voice of Carminho, and the performance of DJ Jonathan Uliel Saldanha" until 02:00, explains the CCB foundation.
In the following days, guided tours, activities for adults and families and performances by the Percussion Group of the Escola Profissional de Música de Espinho, pianist Máximo Klyetsun and clarinetist João Sousa are planned.
MAC/CCB opens with the presentation of the collections in storage - the Berardo Collection, the Ellipse Collection and an exhibition of drawings from the Teixeira de Freitas Collection, as well as a solo exhibition by the Belgian artist Berlinde de Bruyckere, who will be present in Lisbon.
The museum will be closed to the public three days before the inauguration - on the 25th, 26th and 27th of October - opening with the permanent exhibition "Object, Body and Space - The review of artistic genres from the 1960s" and "Coleção Berardo do First Modernism to the New Vanguards of the 20th Century", in a route with centers dedicated to the main historical avant-gardes of the first half of the 20th century, such as Cubism, Dadaism or Surrealism.
MAC/CCB will open its doors at a time when the process of choosing the artistic direction is still ongoing, which began with an international competition and whose final decision is scheduled for December, according to Delfim Sardo.
MAC/CCB was born following the extinction of the Foundation of Modern Art and Contemporary Art - Berardo Collection and the denunciation of a lending protocol signed between the State and the art collector José Berardo, which took effect from January 1st of this year. year.
The CCB Foundation remains the faithful custodian of the Berardo Collection by court decision - with responsibility for preservation and public enjoyment -, but the works have been detained by the courts since July 2019, following a process brought in court by Novo Banco, Caixa Geral de Depósitos and BCP, to recover a debt of around 1,000 million euros.