The next exhibition at the Museu de Arte Moderna/Centro Cultural de Belém (MAC/CCB) in Lisbon, entitled "Evidence: Soundwalk Collective & Patti Smith", is scheduled for March 22. This exhibition originates from a collaboration between Soundwalk Collective and artist Patti Smith, carried out between 2017 and 2020. Together, they produced a triple album called "Perfect Vision", exploring the journeys of three French poets in different geographic territories.
The exhibition will be a sensorial sound installation that will take visitors on a poetic journey based on the texts and visions evoked by the three writers during their metaphysical journeys.
Subsequently, between April 30th and September 22nd, MAC/CCB will host a retrospective of choreographer and performer João Fiadeiro. This retrospective will have two parts: "João Fiadeiro. Introspetiva", in May, with an approach centered on the concept of "shipyard", transforming the exhibition setup into a daily event with dramaturgical, choreographic presentations, improvisations and open classes; and the exhibition "Restos, Rastros e Traços", starting in June, revealing the results of the live experiments in the first part, along with "I Am (not) Here", inspired by the work of Helena Almeida.
Furthermore, a room will be dedicated to the exhibition of objects created in collaboration with artists who have crossed João Fiadeiro's path over the last thirty years. The Black Box space and the small auditorium will host "Dar Corpo", a selection of pieces from João Fiadeiro's repertoire.
In April, the exhibition "Marina Tabassum. Bangladesh News" will feature the architect's public and private building designs, including her work with Rohingya refugees, and will remain on display until September.
Later, in May, two more architecture exhibitions will be shown: "Hestnes Ferreira: form, matter, light", exploring the work of Raul Hestnes Ferreira, and "L'Amour Fou. Arte architecture", highlighting the fascination of visual artists with architecture.
In October, the exhibition "Homo Urbanus. A City-matograhic Odyssey by Bêka & Lemoine" and a solo exhibition dedicated to the North American artist Fred Sandback will be shown at MAC/CCB until March 2025.