Entry for Portuguese people and residents of Portugal to museums and monuments will once again be free on Sundays and public holidays throughout the day.
To combat huge queues and encourage families to go to museums and monuments, the Minister of Culture restores free entry, on Sundays and public holidays, for Portuguese people and residents of Portugal. Pedro Adão e Silva announced this Wednesday a measure that began to be adopted in 2014 by Passos Coelho.
The Minister of Culture, Pedro Adão e Silva, announced this Wednesday, during a television interview with CNN, that he intended to adopt free Sundays as a measure to facilitate access for Portuguese people and residents in Portugal to museums, palaces and monuments managed by the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage.
In fact, this measure comes from behind, with advances and setbacks, according to the holders of the portfolio. The current situation, however, is marked by the existence of long queues on Sunday mornings - and to combat this situation, free tickets will be extended to the entire day of every Sunday of every month and on public holidays.
“This measure is in line with the minister's guidance to promote the democratization of access to culture and, at the same time, aims to combat concentration in the mornings, allowing museums to be enjoyed throughout the day”, explained the ministry spokesperson.
Source: Expresso